Fraud Warning

By Administrator, 31 January, 2021
Escort scam warning

To whom this may concern,

We were called by a lovely young lady today, asking us for directions to an interview. She claimed to have an appointment with us.

We were very surprised, as we did not have an appointment in the agenda. As a result of the ensuing conversation, she forwarded us the following text message which someone had sent her:

Morning, it's Lisa... am the manager at The Grand's Strip Club in Sandton. We need girls who can work as private escorts. We offer escort services to rich businessmen and politicians clients. Our rate is R10k a day and R15k a night. We take 30% each booking. Most of our dancers and escorts are offered accommodation to host clients at the club. We are currently closed due to Covid-19 regulations but we offer private bookings only. Please do check our website: If you find this interesting. Please get back to me.


Fraud Notice

Please note that the above message is fraudulent!

  1. We do not know a Lisa. She is neither a manager at THE ESCORT AGENCY, nor does she work for us.
  2. We have great respect for the team at The Grand Rivonia - but we do not have a partnership with them.
  3. Our interview process begins by filling out this form. If you did not fill out this form, and have not received an email from you are not communicating with us.
  4. We do not ask a girl for "favours" or service during an interview.


Our Opinion

Whoever is making these fraudulent claims, is most likely not related to The Grand Rivonia. That individual is simply attempting to get free service from you.

Please be careful. Don't take a risk. You may end up providing free service to a scammer!



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